Tap Show Company is proud to welcome great tap pros like Philippe Roux (France) and Josh Hilberman (USA) for an international and intensive workshop week-end. Joëlle Ribant will joint hem to cover all possible levels, from the simple initiation of 2h, to the 9h-marathon over these to days ! A nice opportunity to improve your technique, discover the style of the different teachers and learn new choreographies. An open Jam-Session is programed on the Saturday night. Registration now possible.
SCHEDULE – Saturday, february 23th 2019
INITIATION : 10h-11h (Joëlle)
BEGINNER : 16h15-17h45 (Joëlle)
MIDDLE : 11h-12h30 (Josh) + 13h-14h30 (Philippe) + 14h45-16h15 (Josh)
ADVANCED : 11h-12h30 (Philippe) + 13h-14h30 (Josh) + 14h45-16h15 (Philippe)
SCHEDULE – Sunday, february 24th 2019
INITIATION : 10h-11h (Joëlle)
BEGINNER : 16h15-17h45 (Joëlle)
MIDDLE : 11h-12h30 (Philippe) + 13h-14h30 (Josh) + 14h45-16h15 (Philippe)
ADVANCED : 11h-12h30 (Josh) + 13h-14h30 (Philippe) + 14h45-16h15 (Josh)
FARE (for the Middle & Advanced levels)
1 level – 2 days (6 sessions of 1h30 = 9h) : 135€ (= 15€/h).
1 level – 1 day (Sat. or Sun.) = 3 sessions of 1h30 = 4h30 : 75€ (= 16,66€/h).
3 sessions (of 1h30) of your choice over the week-end = 4h30 : 75€ (= 16,66€/h).
2 sessions (of 1h30) of your choice over the week-end = 3h : 52€ (= 17,33€/h).
1 session (of 1h30) : 27€ (= 18€/h).
FARE (for the Initiation & Beginner levels)
2 sessions (of 1h) in the initiation level (Saturday + Sunday) = 2h : 32€ (= 16€/h).
1 session (of 1h) in the initiation level (Saturday or Sunday) = 1h : 16€.
2 sessions (of 1h30) beginner level (Saturday + Sunday) = 3h : 50€ (= 16,66€/h).
1 session (of 1h30) beginner level (Saturday or Sunday) = 1h30 : 25€.
JAM (Saturday 19h30-20h30)
Fare for the workshop’s students (participating or just watching the jam) : 3€
Fare for the visitors (participating or just watching the jam) : 5€
Food & Drinks available…
Registration to the workshop / Jam : claquettes@tapshowcompany.com